Services - Rentiers

This new standard
meets the most common
needs of property owners.

  • Buy-to-let property purchase
  • Rent guarantee
  • Property and rental management
  • Premium property sales

Assisted buy-to-let
property purchase

Take advantage of our years of experience, extensive market knowledge and our access to premium financial products. At every stage, you may choose the level of our involvement:


We search for the lucrative property together and cover everything for you

We serve as your very personal broker. We follow your interests from the moment of choosing the best financing through to the final signature. A detailed strategic plan and timeline are developed to cover all steps. Starting with the initial property viewing, negotiating the price, managing the purchasing procedure up to arranging bank escrow accounts and appointing the attorney to complete the transaction and handing over the property.


You search and we provide consulting

You pick the property on your own and benefit from our consulting. We analyze the selected property and make our recommendations based on whether it fits your investment goals, and estimate the potential returns for you.

We arrange
the most suitable financing

Based on your possibilities and our analysis, we suggest the best financial products. Together, we choose the solution that suits your needs and has the lowest interest rate possible.Our service takes away all the usual stress associated with this process. There are no mortgage advisor fees because we use the bank’s mortgage commission to fund all the fees, including mortgage fees or land registry.

Once the property is yours, you can start generating income from day one thanks to our rental solutions. In addition, with our rental guarantee service you can cover the mortgage payments and convert your investment into a self-sustained income stream.


Guaranteed rental
finally worth it

We ensure your property’s continuous income has no downtime periods or additional costs. We take over the control of the advanced deposits and the basic maintenance and management, which for you means no loss of income, no empty property, 100% occupancy for the term. You just collect the rent on the same day each month.

void periods
tenants issues
ads or finder fees

You collect
the first rent
right after the signature

We rent the property from you and sublet it to the potential tenants. We continuously cover all the necessary procedures and legal obligations such as utilities transfer, technical revisions or property management including inspections. Regardless of whether the property is occupied or not – you will always receive your rent. No matter what!

We also provide standard rental management:

Rental management

Continuous management of your property’s rental. We help you find new tenants, draw up the contracts, set up the utilities accounting and assist you with collection of unpaid rent.

Long-term income | 10 % of the rent

Year-long rental

We find you tenants and make sure they stay for at least a year. If they leave or stop paying on time, we will find you another tenant at no additional cost to make up the year of commitment.

12 months income guarantee | 1 monthly rent
Property management

We cover
legal, administrative
and technical aspects

We have been providing comprehensive property management and maintenance for more than 15 years. We take care of 2800+ properties, including some of Prague's most historical buildings with a unique atmosphere, or modern apartments in ‘hipster‘ neighborhoods.

Our experience allows us to provide industry-leading quality services, such as accounting, securing advanced deposits, technical revisions and supervision or legal consulting of debt collection.


Property selling
at the premium level

We utilize our know-how on your behalf to sell every posibile property for the highest market price. Combining our experience with modern technology and resources allows us to target specific buyers and shorten the selling process.

Virtual property viewings
Professional presentations
Video walkthrough
Home staging

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you an offer

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